
My Heart

January 13, 2009

I have two great passions right now: math and writing. Math, it seems, has always fascinated me and I love learning and doing it. If I had the money and time right now, I would buy text books and any other books I could find and sit down and read and learn. Math is so fascinating and fun.

I also want to take more time to write. It’s been nearly a month since my last blog. I hope to write more this semester. I hope to blog more, I hope to write on paper more, I hope to write more letters and I hope to use my typewriter some. I love writing. I don’t know why, but it’s a huge passion of mine.

The kicker: I do NOT want to write about math, at least in terms of a book about math. I will have no problem writing about my passion for it, but to write a book or even a paper (outside of a proof or something) on a mathematical concept or idea or history does not excite me. Oh, what am I going to do with my life?

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